High School
Class Of 1961
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Rocky's Road
Vol. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Battle in Seattle
Battle in Seattle Pt.2
PIR Part 1
PIR Part 2
'Head'ing to the Races?
All High School Drag Racing
All High School Drags Pt. 2
No Thanksgiving Dinner?
Vol. 2
The Prudhomme Story: 1 of 5
The Prudhomme Story: 2 of 5
The Prudhomme Story: 3 of 5
The Prudhomme Story: 4 of 5
The Prudhomme Story: 5 of 5
Vol. 3
Oh, The Cost of Hot Rodding!
Match Racing Pt. 1
Match Racing Pt. 2
Bev's Steak House Pt. 1
Bev's Steakhourse Pt. 2
Seattle Trip Pt. 1
Seattle Trip Pt. 2
Racquetball Tournament
The Gassers Pt. 1
The Gassers Pt. 2
The Gassers Pt. 3
The Gassers Pt. 4
Jim & Mo's Thanksgiving 2016
Eugene Drags: A Happening
Eugene Drags: Pt. 2
Police have arrived. Now what?
Vol. 5
Rocky's an Author
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Newest Members
Barbara Baker (Wriggle)
Mary Lu Baldra (Savara)
Richard Beers
Sharon Bertrand (O'Malley)
Carolyn Blosser (Franklin)
Lynnette Bohlander (Chiotti)
Madeline Bouras (Angelopoulos)
Barbara Bradford (Novinger)
Cheryl Brown (Cropper)
Alvin Bruner
Lauranetta Burton (Jackson)
Martin [Marty] Busch
Glenn Butenschoen
Yvonne Butler (Brown)
Mitchell Chesney
Elizabeth Christensen (Yeager)
Karen (Kitty) Cole (Neet)
Lynn Condit (Irish)
William Crabtree
Shelia Dailey (Walker)
George Davais
Sue Dietz (Irving)
Mary Divine (Reed)
Scott Duncan
Sondra Duncan (Flannagan)
Richard Ebel
Joyce Edison (Morrelli)
Barbara Eulberg (Glasnapp)
Kathy Everett (Bute)
Wayne John Field
Richard Finzer
Eloise Fisher (Gibson)
Virginia Folen (Lowry)
Gloria Frazier (Bembry)
Gerald Gall
James Gaydon
Judy Graham (Hood)
Shirley Graham (Orr)
Larry Grant
Charles Greear
Terry Green
John Gregory
Michael Grier
Ruth Groenlund (Hopkins)
John Grotjohn
Hurtis Hadley
Carolee Hagenbucher (Carlson)
Joanne Haggblom (Herbst)
Tom Hall
Jack Hambleton
Susan Hardin (Miller)
Clarence Hatton
Steve Havord
Richard Hays
Linda Hazlewood (Forkner)
Bruce Henderson
Bill Hobson
Sharron Howard (Bryan)
Donna Hughey (Martin)
Dorothy Jenkins (Dawson)
Harland Johnson
Harold Johnson
Lurlene Johnson (Shamsud-Din)
Ralph Johnson
Randall Stephen Johnson
Sharlene Johnson (Beavers)
Jane Kellar (Smith)
Cecile Key (Doyle)
Janet King (Mack)
Alan Kirk
Linda Klopf (Yoshida)
Marjorie Knight (Jennings)
Melva Koester (Murphy)
Patrick Krasnoff
Susan Krombein (Botts)
Dee Kucera (Howe)
William Kurtzbein
Margaret Laing (Rosling)
Mary Lawrence (Dykes)
Alexis Lee (Cauble)
Steve Lee
David Letz
Michaele Linville (Paulson)
Robert Lovely
Sue Malmquist (Wihtol)
Kenneth Martin
Marcia Marvin
Judy McClarin (Thompson)
William Floyd McConnell
Judith McKenzie (Cousins)
Anna Meyers (Cropper)
Dan Millen
Kenneth Miller
Rick Moeller
Robert Raymond Moore
Penny Morehouse (Thompson)
Michael Lee Morris
Russell Morrison
Jewell Moser (Honstein)
Michael Mulbey
Judy Mundy (Jasenosky)
Caroline Nelson (DeCoteau)
Jan Noles (Carney)
Mervin Novinger
Linda Page (Heath)
Rozanna Palmer (Barrero)
Marilyn Payne (Miller)
Michael Perovich
Bob Reed
Tom Reed
David Reid
Loretta Rodriquez (Rogers)
Margaret Rose (Saylor)
Laurel Rossenbach (Roberts)
Barbara Runger (LaFrienier)
Karen Sandiforth (Bowyer)
Robert Sargent
Joyce Sherman
David Short
Harry Shupe
Ralph Slider
Barbara Smith (Ely)
Carole Spangle (White)
Sandra Srofe
Ruth Stanton
Daisy Sweetland
Joice Swindell (Floro)
Marlene Teeney (McDowell)
Linda Thomas (Haller)
Arthur Tokola
Kathleen Traut (Walthinsen)
Wendell Travis
Darlene Trebelhorn (Ross)
Hazel Trotter (Blanton)
Elaine Trout (Warren)
Clifford Walker
Steve Walsh
Benita Washburn (Roberts)
Clark Washington
James White
Judith Williams (Powers)
Mary Williford (Epperson)
Aerial Wilson (Edwards)
Carolyn Wilson (Holden)
Carmen Wolfer (Clark)
Susan Yoshida (Kurimoto)
Veronica Zoren (Ault)