Jefferson High School
Auguest 9, 2024 - 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Class of '61 Reunion
Stockpot Restaurant
8400 S W Scholl's Ferry Road
Beaverton, OR
August 8, 2024
Fun Golf Get-Together
Stone Creek Golf Course
All are welcome - more details to follow
We have moved our class reunion from Oaks Park to The Stockpot for the following reasons. We will not have to be concerned about the weather as we will be in an air-conditioned separate room. There is closer parking and a drop off area for those unable to walk from the parking lot to the door. Cement floors and no stairs. Access to an outside green area and handicapped bathrooms. Food and set up of the room will be provided by the restaurant. The committee has made this move out of concern for our classmates' well being and suggestions from our group.